Tuesday, March 18, 2008
What made me flip out of my chair?..

Well because of boredom, i type my name in google just to check if it will show anything about me..even though i don't really disclose or use my real name over the internet..i still tried.
Then poof!!..same as my name..REALLY?..The fact that the combination of my name is rare..(even though each one is commonly used)..I mean I've never encountered anyone in my entire life having same first name as me.

Ok here's one that i found in wikipedia..


"Rose Rita Pottinger - a fictional character who appears in a series of children's gothic horror novels by John Bellairs and Brad Strickland."

..gothic..that's cool..

and check out her description..

"Rose Rita is a tomboy who is usually involved in sports. She and Lewis also share an interest in military history. As the series progresses, she matures and becomes somewhat more interested in traditionally female activities (such as school dances).

Her weaknesses include an inclination to tell tall-tales, an impatience that causes her to rush into things, and a fear of enclosed places."

...hahaha!!...we have a lot in common (^-^)

I also found other stuff..like this video..


..but maybe it's just the name of the dog..arff!..arff!

and this profile


but the name is inverse..

Now Im no longer a mystery..anyways..it was too bad not to share...
posted by ilovestrawberry @ 8:39 PM  
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Name: ilovestrawberry
About Me:
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Life List

1. Go and work in Japan
2. Stay at least 2 years in Japan
3. Pass Level 4 of JLPT
4. Pass Level 3 of JLPT
5. Pass Level 2 of JLPT
6. Pass Level 1 of JLPT
7. Practice Yoga for 1 month straight
8. Practice Yoga for at least 2 straight years
9. Wake up at 5am for at least 2 weeks
10. Be an early riser - wake up at 5am everyday
11. Have at least Php 3 million savings when I reach 30
12. Learn at least 2 languages (except for native language) Nihonggo and Spanish
13. Have at least 6 months worth emergency fund
14. Save at least 50% of salary
15. Have a European tour
16. Visit at least 2 states
17. Visit Korea
18. Visit China
19. Visit Taiwan
20. Asian Tour
21. Put up my own yoga studio
22. Be a certified yoga instructor before I turn 35
23.Own a house/condo
24. Put up an apartment for rent business
25. Study Investment
26. Invest
27. Road trip - no plans
28. Buy digital camera
29. Buy laptop
30. Buy cam phone
31. Learn to cook Italian and Japanese food
32. Climb a mountain - Mount Fuji
33. Learn to play at least 5 songs of yui - memorize
34. Visit London
35. Visit France
36. Meditate for 10 minutes everyday
37. Out of town date with J.
38. Play table tennis
39. Take photography class
40. Enroll in martial arts class
41. Pencil drawing
42. Sponsor a child
43. Get in contact with my family again
44. Pay off all debt by 2009
45. Be debt free
46. Learn Flash
47. Visit at least 10 countries in my lifetime
48. Learn calligraphy
49. Learn sign language
50. Volunteer in a charity work
51. No junk-food from Mon-Fri for at least 3 months
52. Be a more positive thinker
53. Have a memo board
54. Have a creative shot taken- wearing a costume
55. Get drivers license
56. Invent something
57. Book-crossing - leave a book somewhere
58. Drink green tea everyday
59. Watch a concert with J.
60. Watch Yui concert
61. Maintain weight to maximum 100 lbs
62. Color my hair
63. Read the whole Bible at least once
64. Memorize and play at least 1 piano piece.
65. Get at least 2 I.T. certifications
66. 25 inch waist line
67. Get a pet - a dog of course
68. Take swimming lessons
69. Join a club or organization
70. Teach someone in Japan yoga
71. Go to a karaoke and sing a Japanese song
72. Take a picture of my first snow experience
73. Visit Rome
74. Meet a Hollywood celebrity
75. Have an interracial circle of friends
76. Visit Taj Mahal
77. Take my tita's or relative to a trip abroad
78. Get married
79. Have a baby
80. Get a full body spa, facial..pamper my self
81. Have my own website with domain name
82. Get an insurance
83. Beach date with J till sunrise
84. European Cruise
85. Learn how to apply makeup
86. Under water exploration
87. Learn to play the drums
88. Perform in front of a live audience - sing and play guitar
89. Tour the Philippines
90. Dub any Korean drama or anime in the Philippines
91. Write and get an article publish in Reader's Digest
92. Buy a car
93. Visit Great Wall of China
94. Target shooting
96. Laser hair removal for legs
97. Collect something
98. Visit relatives in Canada
99. Join and win a contest - starting now
100. Get my teeth clean and fix
101. Cook ramen

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